Walking by Faith: Living a Life of Trust and Surrender

Pastor Dustin Leek   -  

In a world often driven by self-reliance and individual effort, the concept of true faith can seem elusive. Yet, the essence of faith, as portrayed in the Bible, is far more profound than mere acknowledgment of God’s existence. It transcends belief and delves into the realm of trust—a complete reliance on God’s character, actions, and promises revealed in His Word.

In Luke 7:1-10, we encounter a remarkable display of faith in the story of the centurion who sought healing for his servant. This narrative not only illustrates the power of faith but also challenges us to examine our own lives and the depth of our trust in God. Let’s unpack this passage and explore practical ways to apply its principles in our daily walk with Christ.

1. Recognizing the Authority of Christ

The centurion’s faith was rooted in a deep recognition of Jesus’ authority. Despite being a Gentile, he believed in Jesus’ ability to heal his servant. His faith wasn’t contingent upon Jesus physically entering his home; instead, he trusted in the power of Jesus’ spoken word. Similarly, we are called to acknowledge and submit to the authority of Christ in every aspect of our lives.

Practical Application: Cultivate a habit of studying God’s Word to understand His authority over all things. Trust in His promises and believe that He can work miracles in your life. As you encounter challenges or uncertainties, affirm your faith in Jesus’ sovereignty and rely on His word to guide you.

2. Revering God and Relinquishing Self

The centurion’s humility and reverence for Jesus are evident throughout the passage. Despite his esteemed position, he approached Jesus with humility, acknowledging his own unworthiness. He prioritized Jesus’ authority over his own desires and needs. Similarly, true humility involves recognizing our dependence on God and surrendering our self-centered tendencies.

Practical Application: Cultivate a spirit of humility by acknowledging your limitations and weaknesses before God. Prioritize His will above your own agenda and preferences. Seek opportunities to serve others selflessly, reflecting Christ’s humility in your interactions. As you relinquish control and pride, allow God to work through you for His glory.

3. Living by Faith, Not by Sight

The centurion’s faith serves as a compelling example of walking by faith, not by sight. He trusted in Jesus’ authority and power, even when circumstances seemed dire. In the midst of uncertainty, he clung to the assurance that Jesus could bring healing and restoration. We are called to live with unwavering faith in God’s promises, regardless of what we see or experience.

Practical Application: Choose to trust God’s plan and timing, even when circumstances seem challenging or unclear. Step out in faith, believing that God is faithful to fulfill His promises. Embrace a mindset of faith over fear, allowing God’s truth to shape your perspective and decisions. As you navigate life’s uncertainties, anchor your faith in the unchanging character of God.

The story of the centurion challenges us to deepen our faith and trust in God. As we embrace the principles of recognizing Christ’s authority, revering God, and living by faith, we position ourselves to experience the fullness of His blessings and provision. May we walk each day with a faith that exalts God, surrenders self, and testifies to His power and goodness in our lives.

As you focus on the text of Luke 7:1-10 below are some prayer helps with scripture references!
  1. Acknowledging Christ’s Authority
    • Pray for a deeper understanding of Jesus’ authority over your life (Matthew 28:18).
    • Ask God to help you trust in His promises and believe in His power (Mark 9:23).
  2. Cultivating Humility
    • Pray for humility to recognize your dependence on God (James 4:6).
    • Ask God to help you prioritize His will above your own desires (Proverbs 3:5-6).
  3. Walking by Faith
    • Pray for unwavering faith in God’s promises (Hebrews 11:1).
    • Ask God to help you trust His plan and timing (Romans 8:28).
  4. Deepening Trust in God
    • Pray for a faith that exalts God and testifies to His goodness (Psalm 37:5).
    • Ask God to strengthen your trust in His provision and guidance (Philippians 4:19).