Friends’ Day

October 29, 2023 9:00 am

Friends’ Day 2023 is a time when we at West Salem First Christian Church want to invite our friends and neighbors to meet Jesus and build a connection with a local church.

We will have regular worship from 9:00 AM – 10:10. During worship we sing praises to God, have communion, and listen to teaching from the Bible. During worship, we have Toddler Time. A special opportunity for toddlers and preschoolers to participate in children’s Bible activities during the service.

After worship, we will have time for fellowship. During fellowship a variety of refreshments are available. Tours and more information about the church are available.

Children’s Classes will take place beginning at 10:10 until the end of fellowship time. These classes are geared toward our children with hands-on Bible lessons, games, and activities.