Rooted Kids After School Program, Mondays and Wednesdays until May 14th

May 14 3:10 - 5:30 pm  |  West Salem FCC

Rooted Kids Policies

Rooted Kids will meet on Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:10-5:30. We welcome all public, private, and homeschool students in grades kindergarten through fourth grade to join our program.

There will be no Rooted Kids if Edward’s County Schools are closed.

Transportation will be provided from WSGS at the end of the school day. Students from alternative schools may be dropped off at the church beginning at 3:10 and will spend the rest of the afternoon with Rooted Kids Volunteers. Student pick-up will be between 5:15-5:30. We ask that students are not picked up until the scheduled pick-up time.

Activities will include art, Bible lessons, homework assistance, cooking, games, hands-on science projects, and many other activities.

Attendance Policy:
We strive to serve as many families as possible, therefore, if your student will not be at Rooted Kids, please be sure to let us know. If your child consistently misses Rooted Kids without notifying us of an excused absence (doctor appointment, after-school detention, etc.) they will lose their place in Rooted Kids, and we will offer that space to another student.

Pick-Up Policy:
You must walk into the church and go to the designated sign-out area to sign out your child.

We ask that students remain at Rooted Kids until the designated pick-up window. 5:15-5:30.
Only those listed on your child’s pick-up form are allowed to sign out your child, or a signed paper stating the alternative pick-up person.

If you are late picking up your student three times per semester your child will not be allowed to attend Rooted Kids for six weeks.

We are excited to serve the families of our community. Please feel free to contact us with any comments or questions about our program.

Parents will be required to sign a hard copy version of this form and our policies on the first day of student attendance.